Anna-Maija Ahokas

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Über mich

A photographer who lives in Finland.

I live in the city of Lahti, one hundred kilometers north of Helsinki.
The city of Lahti is by the lake, but I miss a lot the sea and the archipelago. Finland is a country of many opportunities for photographers.
I capture images of beautiful and ordinary moments in the everyday life.

Kommentare 14

  • Anna-Maija Ahokas 1. November 2020, 21:42

    Thank you Heike. Nice to hear you like my photos. Greatings Anna-Maija
  • H.wasserhexe 1. November 2020, 12:08

    I love your fotos!!!
    Many greatings Heike
  • David Arduini 3. Januar 2020, 2:46

    Hi Anna thank you for your like,  Death valley is an interesting place.
  • Sesostris 25. November 2019, 12:12

    You make fantastic pictures. Thank you for showing us the pictures. Greetings Steffen
  • David Arduini 17. September 2019, 14:22

    Hi Anna, Thank you for liking some of my photography. You have some interesting photos also.
  • P.J. Photography 22. Januar 2019, 18:48

    Viele Dank für das Lob zu meinem Bild „Kleines Inselchen im Mondschein“. Viele Grüße PJ
  • Totoosart 23. Juli 2018, 20:27

    Greetings, thanks for following me, I don’t know what made you think i was followable, but I usually follow back, you seem to have a good eye and can capture what you see beautifully, congratulations on that, keep them coming ????????
  • Dinu Filipescu 19. Juli 2018, 14:13

    Thank you for your recognition : I hope to see more great images from you.
  • Anna-Maija Ahokas 13. Juli 2018, 10:30

    Mario, your gallery is great.
  • Mario F Meier 13. Juli 2018, 8:16

    Thank you very much for the appreciation.

    Inspiration Luzern
    Inspiration Luzern
    Mario F Meier
  • alexander stefanatos 12. Juli 2018, 20:45

    Thanks very much Anna Maija for your friendship.Much pleased and appreciated. Lookinfg forward...I shall be off for sometime on holidays to a greek island and I hope to come back with plenty of new photos.
    friendly alexander
  • Anna-Maija Ahokas 12. Juli 2018, 14:52

    Hello Alexander
    Sorry, I don’t know how to respond ro your comment, but now it is here.
    Oh, how fun it is to hear that you fancied Finland. Finland is a unique, simple, uncomplicated, infinitely beautiful, diverse nature and still have good winter and summer. Efficient, modern and good country to live. I'm sorry, but I do not know who is your Anna-Maija. But lovely lady, I am sure. Thanks for being interested in my photos, I look forward to your comments.
    Your photos are great!
  • alexander stefanatos 12. Juli 2018, 9:38

    Hi Anna Maija
    Thanks for following me. I have travelled many times in your country and I have worked for some time there many years ago.I keep very vivid pictures from Baltic Sea up to Lapland and also your first name raises lovely memories to me.....Does the surname "Valkonen" rings any bells to you? I'm waiting for your photos.
    friendly alexander.
  • Raimo Ketolainen 11. Juli 2018, 14:08

    Lähetä mulle sun sähköpostiosoite niin voin lähettää sulle powerpoint ohjeen kuvien lataamisesta
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  • Fotograf (Profi)


Nikon D7200
Nikkor 50mm f/1,8
Nikkor 200-500mm/f5.6
Sigma 18-35mm f/1,8
Sigma 50-100mm f/1,8
Panasonic Lumix DC-LX100M2
iPhone XR