Dragomir Vukovic

Community Manager, BOISE

Über mich

you went down when you were looking up, you were looking down and you missed the sky, just be the beautiful you, it will not happen again - dragomir



* In The Silence,
Your Eyes Open To SEE *
Look to be able to listen, listen to be able to see, do not see just look.


My cameras:
Canon F-1N
Canon EOS 1N
Canon EOS 1V
Canon 5D Mark II
Canon 5D Mark III
Canon G5X
Fuji XT-3
Fuji XH-1
Canon FD 20/2.8 S.S.C.
Canon FD 24/2.8 S.S.C.
Canon FD 50/1.2 S.S.C.
Canon EF 28-70/2.8 L
Canon EF 70-200/2.8L IS
Tamron 20-40/2.5-3.5
Canon 50/2.5 Macro
Fuji 16/1.4
Mitakon 35/0.95

Kommentare 1815

  • artriedwyl - Peter Riedwyl 26. Mai 2024, 20:37

    Dear Dragomir, thank you very much for visiting my site and many thanks for your "like". I am glad to have a view over your artwork and I like very much your black/white landscapes. Thanks.
  • Valentin Franck 18. Mai 2024, 8:59

    Vielen Dank für Lob und Kommentar…!
    LG Vale
  • hensken 6. Mai 2024, 18:13

    Danke für deine Anmerkungen zu meinen Fotos. lg. hensken
  • LeoMinor 5. Mai 2024, 12:13

    Mit Dank und Gruß für dein Lob „# sie wissen noch immer nicht was sie tun“: :)

    freundliche Grüße, Jörn
  • Geri Barreti 26. April 2024, 11:29

    Dein Foto der Stunde hat mich zu deinem Profil geführt - und ich stelle fest: ich folge mal. LG Geri
  • David Arduini 23. März 2024, 0:41

    Thank you Dragomir, thanks for appreciating my photos, Ciao David
  • David Arduini 27. Februar 2024, 15:14

    Hi Dragomir I appreciate your likes of my photos, David
  • David Arduini 26. Februar 2024, 15:43

    Hi Dragomir thank you. Ciao David
  • David Arduini 17. Februar 2024, 15:44

    Hi Dragomir, thank you for appreciating my photo.  I am experimenting more with black and white. Now I just need a lot of time, Regards David
  • Alex Kozhukhov 4. Februar 2024, 8:31

    Dear Dragomir, thanx for appreciating my work! Regards, Alex.
  • David Arduini 4. Februar 2024, 4:41

    Hi Dragomir thank you appreciating the Coca Cola sign, I wish there more signs around like that. Cheers David
  • EraS Perani 8. Januar 2024, 22:46

    Hi Drag, many thanks
  • Tonino Di Marzio 26. November 2023, 22:12

    Grazie mille Dragomir.
  • Bodo.K 26. November 2023, 10:25

    Eine besondere Sammlung!
    Hier schau ich gerne öfter mal rein.
  • hpsp 13. Oktober 2023, 11:18

    thank you for all these likes!
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